Monday, May 28, 2012

Back to reality

Daily market in Zagreb, Croatia
The trip was amazing. I've never been to that part of Europe before. I forgot how much I love the feel of the narrow streets, the ancient walls of forts and cathedrals, the open air markets, the fresh bakeries on every corner and the cobblestone streets  of Europe. Croatia had this wonderful blend of mediteranean and Italian architecture, Slovenia was very Bavarian.

We did a lot of wine, brandy and olive oil tasting. This was at the Zagreb University winery.
I have to talk to MSU about this idea.

Faculty from Zagreb University, Maribor University and our Montana University discussed potential  student exchange programs. We looked at these opportunities from research and extension perspectives. Our group toured honey bee, cherry, apple, hops and grape research areas.

UNESCO World Heritage Site, 200 year old vineyard.

Monday, May 14, 2012


It's off to Croatia tomorrow morning. I have mastered the fine art of bundle packing,, we'll see if it really keeps the creases out. New cold hardy wine grape trials established last week. cherry flowering data collected on variety trials, master gardeners working on their projects - perfect timing. I'll be observing agriculture in Croatia and looking for possible collaborative opportunities between MSU and a university over there. My director said I would be wine tasting as part of the tour, darn :)
If I can get to a computer, I'll be adding photos as we go. Until later....