Short Stories

Walking Through Our Fear

I am currently working on two books, Bedtime Stories for Grownups and Relationships are like horses, aren’t they?
Bedtime Stories for Grownups - Preview

We used to read to our daughters every night. It was a very special time for all of us. When I think about those nights, it was a time of closeness and tenderness. The favorite books were pulled out night after night, the same stories read over and over. I’d like a nickel for all the times we read Goodnight Moon and Dr. Seuss’ Red Fish Blue Fish. Children go to bed with visions of cartoon characters and adventures to spark happy dreams.
As adults, how are we preparing for bed? Is it a newspaper, or television, or maybe a detective book? What kinds of dreams does this type of material produce? Do we think we are really de-stressing by following this type of ritual? We are geared up all day; shouldn’t we find a way to put ourselves to sleep as lovingly as we do our children?
A man I knew once, loved to be read to before bed. I would always fall asleep half way through but that didn’t matter. It was calming and soothing for both of us. I considered how great it would have been to have a book of stories for this time of night. Short stories that left you with something to think about, that is peaceful yet thought provoking …. Bedtime Stories for Grownups.
I hope you enjoy reading these sample stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them. Each one carries with it a trunk full of memories and emotions. Sweet Dreams.
Letting Go

My daughter Sarah and I love the ocean. We are like lemmings that make a yearly pilgrimage to the shore, only we don’t throw ourselves over. Our favorite destination is a small fishing village north of Boston that we had discovered when Sarah was about five years old. Originally it was a family trip, but most recently it has been Sarah and I that have kept up the tradition.  Click here to continue reading....

 The Rock and The Root
The mist hung low over the lake as the sun promised another hot, July day. I followed the shoreline as the sun rose over the opposite hillside.
A gnarled piece of driftwood caught my eye. It was only slightly bigger than my hand. It  was rounded and softened by the movement of the water. Click here to continue reading .....

What Color Rabbit are You?

I was in a local store buying dog food when my daughters ran to me and told me that a baby bunny had been licking their fingers. Kate and Sarah were then about three and five years old. They dragged me to the glass box where it was possible to reach in and touch the rabbits. A little red rabbit stood on his hind legs to be stroked and licked the girl’s fingers. Maybe it was the salt he tasted. The girls begged to take him home. There was something so gentle and kind about this rabbit’s face.  Click here to continue reading....

Relationships are like horses, aren't they? Preview 

Don't we wish that our spouses, our children, our horses, our life came with an owner's manual? Wouldn't it be great if everytime we pushed the start button, or pulled the left knob we'd get the same reaction consistently? On second thought, that might get pretty boring, even though boring sounds nice sometimes. I've worked with several excellent horse trainers through the years. Each time I think, wow - that phrase or that exercise could work in other areas of my life. The concept seems so much easier to me when I think about it in relation to my horse for some reason. It doesn't matter if I am thinking about a horse's fear, or resistance or ignorance. Sometimes I see myself as the horse and sometimes as the trainer. Sometimes I see  the relationship between horse and rider as similar to the relationship  between a man and a woman. What is paramount in a relationship? Communication? Trust? Respect? Consistency? Now you understand my thought process. Read on, let me know what you think.

Stay On

I bought a big athletic quarter horse almost 20 years ago. His name was A.J. and for the life of me I can’t remember what that stood for now. He was tall and handsome. He was deep chocolate with white socks and blaze. The problem with A.J. was that A. J. didn’t want to make an effort. I was just getting over parting with a horse that I had had for four years that wanted to run and buck all the time.Click here to continue reading....

Trailer Lesson

Yesterday as I drove on  the dirt road towards my cabin, I saw someone using a buggy whip to try and get their horse to load into a trailer. Considering the location, the horse had obviously gotten to the horse park, been ridden on the trails and now was refusing to load for the return trip home. One person was pulling on the rope attached to the horse’s halter and through the trailer door and another person was whipping the horse from behind.  Click here to continue reading....


Anonymous said...

Love the narration which draws the readers in and coaxes us to continue. Lovely memories.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much. I appreciate your comment.