Sunday, July 29, 2012

Energy vampires

I was listening to a webinar the other day and it has spawned a few thoughts. It was a discussion about energy and the human body. The woman said that dark and light cannot exist in the same space, just like negative and positive does not exist in the same space. She compared a room with a light bulb; it is on or off, to a couple – one positive and the other negative. When a person is being negative, he finds an upbeat, optimistic person jarring to his nerves. His energy is depleted. He does not appreciate all of the high vibration energy the other person is exuding. Since both energies cannot exist in the same space, something has to shift. The negative person begins pushing the buttons of the positive person. If the positive person can stay centered there is no exchange. One of them will probably leave the space. If the positive person gets drawn into the baiting, she will begin having a charge. This is how the negative person drains energy off the positive person. It can only happen if they can get the other person fired up.

We’ve all felt this. Some people just suck the life out of us. We are going along happy and peaceful and a person, in a low energy state, can manage to take us right out of that place. The next thing we know is that we are feeling as low as them. Now we are both negative.

The trick is to recognize what is happening. If we understand that they are just low on energy, we can help them make their own and not need to sap energy from anyone else. Ask them if they are willing to feel better. If so, start having them think about the things they love – their children, nature, pets – anything to help them shift to a higher frequency. Love is the highest vibration. They will begin to raise their own energy. Once they feel more whole you can both be positive and happy.

Realize this when someone negative is in your space. #1. Don’t get drawn in by their attack. #2. If they are willing to be positive, then help them by making suggestions to raise their energy. If they want to stay negative, disengage and walk away. You are not helping them by allowing them to drain your energy. The only way to truly be of service is to be an example of positive vibration.

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