Sunday, June 24, 2012


We are here on this planet for the experience. Our soul has orchestrated with other souls situations and dramas that allow us to experience all types of emotions. When we are not in a human body, it is all light and love; we are in complete union with our Creator.   On Earth, we feel the illusion of separation. We can experience what we are not.

We can manifest rage, rejection, hatred, humiliation and a sundry of other uncomfortable emotions. These emotions we cannot feel once we have transitioned.  We can continue to do this until we decide to make other choices. The decision is ours alone. Sometimes I truly question decisions I have made and yet when I look back, I have to think – “wow, I must have really wanted to feel that emotion deeply, what a great job I did inviting in all the right characters. Those characters played their roles perfectly.”

You cant feel betrayal to its maximum unless you have loved completely  and then had your loved one turn to another in dishonesty. You cant feel humiliation until all of your friends and family have learned of something that you did not want them to know. You cant know rage or heart ache unless a character comes to help you experience this emotion.

These negative emotions melt away in the light of wisdom. When you realize that your soul has arranged these situations and you have chosen to have these emotions in response you can make another choice. You can bless the characters as they arrive and say, “No, thank you. I have had this experience, I have felt these emotions and I choose to not do that again. I choose to only bring in characters that allow me to experience peace and harmony.” Your soul will probably bring in a few more to make sure you are solid in your choice. We came here to experience and as we see our part as director, we set a course to a life more in line with the life we have on the other side. We can come closer and closer to that life of love, light and a union with our Creator.

An excellent read is Neale Donald Walsh’s Little Soul and the Sun. He describes this concept in his children's book. I just love it.

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