Thursday, May 16, 2013


Aries barked as she locked her gaze at something up on the hill behind the cabin. I strained to see what she was watching but it was no use. Bears, mountain lions and coyotes were not uncommon. I grabbed my binoculars and raised them to see more easily. As I adjusted them, I saw it was Frank, our white cat, up under the pines. When he heard me and began running towards the house I refocused to follow his descent. Suddenly birdhouses and then my bluebird came clearly into view. He had been there all along but I did not see him because my attention had been completely on Frank.

 It made me think of how often we are only seeing a situation from one point of view. There is much more than what we are acknowledging going on. Can we refocus? Can we open our field of vision to include additional possibilities? I almost missed my favorite bird by looking right past him. This was a wonderful reminder for me to not believe that what I see is all that is.

Sometimes it is easy to focus on what is wrong with a situation and look right past all the great things happening. One problem can steal our attention and make it difficult to view the whole. Our perspective can be totally slanted. 

There are times to use my binoculars and times to open my field of vision.  I am continually reminded of life's lessons and strive to grow into a better version of myself.

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