Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I was walking up the hill, stretching my legs after a long day behind the desk, and noticed how the forest floor was speckled with yellow-gold daisy looking wildflowers. Their name escaped me and later I identified them as Arnica. There were little pearl-like flowers along the edge of the dirt road, in the gravel called 'Pussy Toes'. A couple of weeks ago it was Trillium in the shade of the fir trees and now they had been replaced with a new assortment of blossoms. In August the purple asters will appear and I will savor their fragrance.

All of these flowers are so quick to come and go. To enjoy them during their brief stay you must take time when they are ready and observe them in their habitat. All of these flowers fade immediately upon cutting. They must be relished on their terms, under their conditions.

Doesn't that make you want to see them even more? Aren't they even more beautiful since you know they will soon be gone for another year? Wildflowers are all about being in the Now. They call to us, "See me now! Tomorrow I will be gone. Don't miss this moment!"

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